Artist Hours


Spend your time on Art

One thing we constantly hear about from artists is a need for space to meet and create. The more affordable and central, the better!

We've not yet found a perfect solution...but here are a few things we're working on to help out!

Hourly and Day Rentals

sanctuary rehearsal hall

Hourly Rehearsal or Meeting

This hourly rental is for solo or small group rehearsals or meetings.

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Hourly Class or Event

This hourly rental is for the purposes of small group classes or events for up to 3 hours (after that it's cheaper to rent by the day).

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Day and Event

Our standard Day/Event rentals include more flexibility, access and equipment.

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Open Door Hours

Ever wonder what happens at the Arts Centre when there isn't a big event?

It's mostly paperwork and sweeping...but we're about to change that!

Our "Open Door Hours" (we welcome suggestions for a better name) are part of a pilot project we're running where we swing open the doors (or at least unlock them) and welcome in local creatives to meet, chat and most importantly, create.

We'll have some light refreshments available for purchase, an open workspace (with some very useful "FREE WIFI") and even some communal art supplies if you're so inclined!

If it sounds like a no-fee coworking space, it's because it is! 

If you've never been into the Arts Centre, or have some questions or ideas for us, this is also a great opportunity to meet with a member of our team and maybe even take guided tour.

Here are a few upcoming "Open Door" sessions: